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How to get Processor ID in CDF


Hi All,


I am new to CDF Nifi(1.18) and it doesn't support API calls I wanted to save variable data as the link of the flow. I need the processor ID to concatenate it to the link of the Nifi. 

In HDF I was able to do that using API calls in bulk but in CDF I am not able to do due to the limitations of API. Can we do anything to fetch the processor ID of the current processor group? 



Nifi: 1.18.0

Public Cloud


Thanks in advance


Community Manager

@nabilraza456 Welcome to the Cloudera Community!

To help you get the best possible solution, I have tagged our NiFi experts @SAMSAL @cotopaul and @MattWho  who may be able to assist you further.

Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.


Diana Torres,
Community Moderator

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Master Mentor

I am curious about the solution you said worked in HDF? Can you share that with me?
I'd like to explore how that capability changed going to CFM.




Hi @MattWho  - Actually, I was migrating the flows from HDF to CDP and in HDF we were creating the complete URL along with the processor_group_id. 


I achieve the same using nipyapi in HDF but cannot do the same on CDP. Can you help me in CDP how can I fetch the processor ID in CDP as you know the processor ID is unique and changed when we upload the template to the Nifi. 


Any update? @DianaTorres @MattWho 

Expert Contributor

Could you explain more what limitations you have on CDP?

Is this Public Cloud?

We certainly expect there to be no limitations ....

To get PG ID's you can run API call:




Hi @DigitalPlumber  - Yes it is Public Cloud. I use NiPyAPI on HDF where I was able to add any variable etc using that library. 


In CDP, I want to get the current processor ID. It can be via expression language or by API. How can I achieve that? For example, I want to fetch all the PutS3 processors ID then how can I get that?