Created 05-21-2016 01:05 PM
When I restarted the machine due to some problem, all the services on that particular machine are getting stopped except SmartSense agent. The only SmartSense agent is getting automatically started as soon as the machine is up. In the same way, even I want other services also get started automatically like ambari-agent, services like DN, NM, AMS, etc..,
Now my questions are: Is it possible to get all the services automatically get started same as HST agent? If no, then why is only HST getting started automatically?
Any help is highly appreciated and Thanks in advance.
Created on 05-21-2016 07:02 PM - edited 08-18-2019 04:57 AM
I have written a utility(work is still in progress) which can be very helpful in your case.
1. Clone my repository
git clone
2. Goto useful-scripts/ambari/
3. Edit according to your cluster environment
4. Start using script 🙂
Here is the usage screenshot:
Happy Hadooping!! 🙂
Created 05-21-2016 01:43 PM
Ambari server and agent should start after OS reboot, as far as concern about hadoop services we recommend to use Ambari UI or API's. Also there are some services to collect metrics from OS and Hadoop will start automatically.
Hope that make sense. Thanks
Created 05-21-2016 02:15 PM
FroFrom my understanding this is the summer you mean: Ambari-server and agent will start automatically when we start the server after stop, but services won't start automatically and we need to start manually each service. In that case I always see
Created 05-21-2016 02:33 PM
I'm saying Ambari server and agent process will start by ini.d script and I think this has been implemented long back . The rest HDP components services like NN,SNN DN etc should start manually through Ambari UI or API's.
Created 05-21-2016 02:20 PM
In addition to what @Jitendra Yadav mentioned if you still wish to get all services up after reboot then below are 2 options -
Or you can create init script of the file too so that it will act as like existing(ssh) service where you can start/stop using command and enable after reboot using chkconfig.
Pls do refer this -
Sample script -
export $PASSWORD = *****
export $CLUSTER_NAME = {Your Cluster Name}
curl -u admin:$PASSWORD -i -H
'X-Requested-By: ambari'
-X PUT -d
'{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"Start HDFS via REST"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "STARTED"}}}'
//`hostname -f`:8080/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/services/HDFS
curl -u admin:$PASSWORD -i -H
'X-Requested-By: ambari'
-X PUT -d
'{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"Start YARN via REST"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "STARTED"}}}'
//`hostname -f`:8080/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/services/YARN
curl -u admin:$PASSWORD -i -H
'X-Requested-By: ambari'
-X PUT -d
'{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"Start MAPREDUCE2 via REST"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "STARTED"}}}'
//`hostname -f`:8080/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/services/MAPREDUCE2
2. You can use ambari blueprint to start and stop the services.
Created 05-21-2016 02:49 PM
Thanks @Sagar Shimpi and @Jitendra Yadav for valuable information, let me try and get back to you.
Created 01-27-2017 04:19 PM
Could you please provide examples according to :
< 2. You can use ambari blueprint to start and stop the services.>
Created on 05-21-2016 07:02 PM - edited 08-18-2019 04:57 AM
I have written a utility(work is still in progress) which can be very helpful in your case.
1. Clone my repository
git clone
2. Goto useful-scripts/ambari/
3. Edit according to your cluster environment
4. Start using script 🙂
Here is the usage screenshot:
Happy Hadooping!! 🙂
Created 05-23-2016 12:28 PM
FWIW, There is API info on how to determine and restart host components on a given host.
And this is the JIRA for Ambari to support auto-start of services + components:
Created 10-11-2016 04:37 PM
Thanks Jeff for posting this Ambari case. I had read the wiki as mentioned in this thread and found "The user has to enable auto start via the UI." But I couldn't find it. Then read the jira, and it states that "Reopening since in 2.4.0 we hid this from the UI as an experimental feature."