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How to insert data into this table

Rising Star

I have this table with what I believe is a nested column.

I created this table with the statement :

create table testtbl stored as AVRO TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'='hdfs://testhost:8020/tmp/avroschemas/testtbl.json');

testtbl.json looks like :


"type" : "record",

"name" : "testtbl",

"namespace" : "",

"fields" : [ {

"name" : "id",

"type" : {

"type" : "record",

"name" : "Key",

"fields" : [ {

"name" : "TId",

"type" : "string"

}, {

"name" : "action",

"type" : "string"

}, {

"name" : "createdTS",

"type" : {

"type" : "long",

"logicalType" : "timestamp-millis"


} ]


}, {

"name" : "CId",

"type" : "string"

}, {

"name" : "ANumber",

"type" : "string"

} ]


Can somebody give me a valid insert statement to insert one row into the table.

Appreciate the help.


Expert Contributor

Try below insert statement

0: jdbc:hive2://abcd:10000> with t as (select NAMED_STRUCT('tid','1','action','success', 'createdts',current_timestamp) as id ,'1' as cid,'12345' as anumber)
0: jdbc:hive2://abcd:10000> insert into testtbl select * from t;
No rows affected (20.464 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://abcd:10000> select * from testtbl;
|                                                   | testtbl.cid  | testtbl.anumber  |
| {"tid":"1","action":"success","createdts":"2018-09-12 15:06:27.075"}  | 1            | 12345            |

View solution in original post


Expert Contributor

Try below insert statement

0: jdbc:hive2://abcd:10000> with t as (select NAMED_STRUCT('tid','1','action','success', 'createdts',current_timestamp) as id ,'1' as cid,'12345' as anumber)
0: jdbc:hive2://abcd:10000> insert into testtbl select * from t;
No rows affected (20.464 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://abcd:10000> select * from testtbl;
|                                                   | testtbl.cid  | testtbl.anumber  |
| {"tid":"1","action":"success","createdts":"2018-09-12 15:06:27.075"}  | 1            | 12345            |

Master Guru

@n c

As you are having struct type for your first column in the table we need to use named_struct function while inserting the data.

Table definition:

hive> desc testtbl;
| col_name  |                       data_type                       | comment  |
| id        | struct<tid:string,action:string,createdts:timestamp>  |          |
| cid       | string                                                |          |
| anumber   | string                                                |          |

Inserting data into testtbl:

hive> insert into testtbl select named_struct('tid',"1",'action',"post",'createdts',timestamp(150987427)),string("1241"),string("124") from(select '1')t;

Selecting data from the table:

hive> select * from testtbl;
|                                                | testtbl.cid  | testtbl.anumber  |
| {"tid":"1","action":"post","createdts":"1970-01-02 12:56:27.427"}  | 1241         | 124              |


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Rising Star

naresh and shu, thanks so much - both the statements worked!

one more question : if i have data files (for similar avro tables) being sent to a directory in hdfs (through kafka/flume) what is the best way to load it into the table?

is there any way that i can configure it such that data is picked up automatically from the directory path?

appreciate the feedback.

Expert Contributor

I assume raw data is in text & u want to convert & load the data into avro tables.

If so, u can create another identical text table & specifiy the delimiter in data..


create table staging(id struct<tid:string,action:string,createdts:timestamp>, cid string, anumber string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' collection items terminated by '|' stored as textfile;

sample text data can be as below


insert into testtbl select * from staging;

If kafka or flume is generating avro files directly, then those files can be written into table path directly. Its better to create external table if source files are written directly on table path.

Rising Star

and is it not possible to insert values without another table (t) like :

hive> insert into testtbl values NAMED_STRUCT('tid','3','action','success', 'createdts',150987428888) as id ,'3' as cid,'12345' as anumber;

FAILED: ParseException line 1:27 extraneous input 'NAMED_STRUCT' expecting ( near ')' line 1:107 missing EOF at 'as' near ')'

Expert Contributor

Its not possible to use functions in insert into table values statement.

Rising Star

>create table staging(id struct<tid:string,action:string,createdts:timestamp>, cid string, anumber string) row format delimited fields >terminated by ',' collection items terminated by '|' stored as textfile;

>sample text data can be as below


>insert into testtbl select * from staging;

how is the text data loaded into the staging table?

Also is it possible to use the 'load data' command in this context : load data inpath '/tmp/test.csv' into table testtbl;

Appreciate the clarification.

Expert Contributor

Yes. File content will be

# hadoop fs -cat /tmp/data1.txt
1|success|2018-09-12 17:45:39.69,3,12345

Then you need to load the content into staging table using below command

load data inpath '/tmp/data1.txt' into table staging;

Then from staging, you need to load it into actual avro table using below command

insert into testtbl select * from staging;

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Rising Star

ok, i used the "load data" command to load the data into the staging table. selecting from the table i can see below output :

hive> select * from staging;



Time taken: 0.398 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)

Is that good? I am kind of concerned with the flower braces and the column names in the resultant data.