Created 09-15-2022 09:59 AM
I want to put the alert name in the subject of the email alert
I followed the example in but the following does not fill in the variables and I just the the variable names in the email.
<![CDATA[Ambari: [$alert.getAlertState()]-[$alert.getAlertName()]-[$alert.getAlertText()]]]>
If I use the template as it is, the email populates with the summary variables, ie:
<![CDATA[Alert Summary: OK[$summary.getOkCount()], Warning[$summary.getWarningCount()], Critical[$summary.getCriticalCount()], Unknown[$summary.getUnknownCount()]]]>
Is there a trick to get the subject to show the $alert variables to the subject?
Thanks in advance!
Created 06-18-2024 01:16 AM
1. On the Abari server host, locate the `alert-templates.xml` file. By default, it is located in the `/etc/ambari-server/conf` directory.
2. Open the `alert-templates.xml` file and search for the `` section.
3. Within the `` section, locate the `` tag and modify its content.
4. Save the changes to the `alert-templates.xml` file.
5. Restart Ambari server for the changes to take effec
Created 06-18-2024 01:16 AM
1. On the Abari server host, locate the `alert-templates.xml` file. By default, it is located in the `/etc/ambari-server/conf` directory.
2. Open the `alert-templates.xml` file and search for the `` section.
3. Within the `` section, locate the `` tag and modify its content.
4. Save the changes to the `alert-templates.xml` file.
5. Restart Ambari server for the changes to take effec