Created 11-21-2017 04:44 PM
I need to test a script through Pig View on my kerbereized cluster.
I attached my script details in script.png.
When i run this script i got the error mentioned in error.png through /var/log/ambari-server/pig-view/pig-view.log.
I access to Ambari UI with admin as username.
How can i resolve this issue?
I'll be really grateful if someone could help me.
Created 11-22-2017 09:41 AM
Based on your "/etc/ambari-server/conf/krb5JAASLogin.conf" file setting "principal" we see that your ambari server principal name is "root@ROSAFI.COM" hence your PigView Auth setting should be something like following, Which is correctly set in your case.
But we noticed the following error inside your "error.png" image saying that
org.apache.ambari.view.utils.ambari.AmbariApiException: {"error":"User: HTTP/ambari@ROSAFI.COM is not allowed to impersonate admin"}
Which indicates that you have not set the following property properly inside the hadoop core-site.xml inside the proxyuser settings:
So can you please try adding the above two properties and then try again. Also please do a kinit as following isnide ambari server host and then restart ambari-server once.
# kdestroy # kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/root.server.keytab root@ROSAFI.COM # klist # ambari-server stop # ambari-server start
Then try to access the ambari UI again.
Created 11-21-2017 06:23 PM
- Which version of ambari are you using? There is a "auth" property which is only needed if the view is Custom Configured or Ambari Server is Kerberized before 2.4.0.
- If you are using prior version of ambari then can you please check if you have set the ambari-server principal to your pig view for auth? You can refer to the following doc to get more detailed information about it:
You can find the ambariserver principal name inside the following file "/etc/ambari-server/conf/krb5JAASLogin.conf"
# cat /etc/ambari-server/conf/krb5JAASLogin.conf { required renewTGT=false doNotPrompt=true useKeyTab=true keyTab="/etc/security/keytabs/ambari.server.keytab" principal="ambari-server-kerberos_ambari@EXAMPLE.COM" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false; };
Also please check if you have configured the "hadoop.proxyuser" property set properly for the "HDFS" and "WebHCAT" as described in the following doc:
Created 11-22-2017 08:39 AM
Thank you very much for your reply.
- My ambari version is Version
- My ambari server is running with root user. So,i resecured my cluster with the principal "root@ROSAFI.COM" and made all the necessary configurations by following this link:
The output of file "/etc/ambari-server/conf/krb5JAASLogin.conf" is: { required renewTGT=false doNotPrompt=true useKeyTab=true keyTab="/etc/security/keytabs/root.server.keytab" principal="root@ROSAFI.COM" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false; };
- I've also made the necessary configuration in Pig view as mentioned in pig-auth.png.
- I've set "hadoop.proxyuser" in HDFS as shown in proxyuser.png.
I'm really stuck. Please help me understanding the cause of this issue.
Created 11-22-2017 09:41 AM
Based on your "/etc/ambari-server/conf/krb5JAASLogin.conf" file setting "principal" we see that your ambari server principal name is "root@ROSAFI.COM" hence your PigView Auth setting should be something like following, Which is correctly set in your case.
But we noticed the following error inside your "error.png" image saying that
org.apache.ambari.view.utils.ambari.AmbariApiException: {"error":"User: HTTP/ambari@ROSAFI.COM is not allowed to impersonate admin"}
Which indicates that you have not set the following property properly inside the hadoop core-site.xml inside the proxyuser settings:
So can you please try adding the above two properties and then try again. Also please do a kinit as following isnide ambari server host and then restart ambari-server once.
# kdestroy # kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/root.server.keytab root@ROSAFI.COM # klist # ambari-server stop # ambari-server start
Then try to access the ambari UI again.
Created 11-22-2017 10:30 AM