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How to send an http POST multipart/form-data request with a file attached using Apache-nifi's InvokeHttp processor?
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Apache NiFi
Created 05-10-2019 03:40 PM
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I am trying to send a multipart/form-data request to a POST API using Nifi's InvokeHTTP processor. This request takes a json and a file. The request headers and request body in POSTMAN look something like this -
POST /delivery/deliverPackage User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.6.1 Accept: */* Host: example.hostname:port accept-encoding: gzip, deflate content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------161413078116998145311888 content-length: 1115 json={ "destinationProtocol" : "HL7", "destinationFormat": "HL7_V2_ORU", "destinationType": "example", "destinationConnectionParams":{ "URI": "example", "HOST": "example", "PORT": "example" } }file=[object Object]
where the file object contains the file details I am trying to send.
I want to send this multipart/form-data request in nifi. Based on an answer I saw on one of the forums (sorry do not have the link to it), I am trying to create this request body in the content of the flowfile using ReplaceText processor before sending the flowfile to an InvokeHttp processor. The flowfile content looks something like this -
POST /delivery/deliverPackage User-Agent: curl/7.46.0 Accept: */* Host: example.hostname:port accept-encoding: gzip, deflate content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------161413078116998145311888 content-length: 1115 --------------------------161413078116998145311888 Content-Disposition: form-data; json="{ "destinationProtocol" : "HL7", "destinationFormat": "HL7_V2_ORU", "destinationType": "example", "destinationConnectionParams":{ "URI": "example", "HOST": "example", "PORT": "example" } }" anonymous --------------------------161413078116998145311888 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="/path/to/file/in/localsystem.HL7” Content-Type: text/plain contents of the file --------------------------161413078116998145311888--
This doesn't seem to be working though, it doesn't look right to me. I am pretty new to Nifi. Can anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong or give some insights on how to handle this properly? Thanks!
I have instead tried to use an ExecuteStreamCommand processor to simply run the curl command with command arguments -
-X POST;"https://example.hostname:port/delivery/deliverPackage?json=%7B%20%22destinationProtocol%22%20%3A%20%22HL7%22%2C%20%22destinationFormat%22%3A%20%22HL7_V2_ORU%22%2C%20%22destinationType%22%3A%20%22example%22%2C%20%22destinationConnectionParams%22%3A%7B%20%22URI%22%3A%20%22example%3A%2F%2Fexample%3A15050%22%2C%20%22HOST%22%3A%20%22example%22%2C%20%22PORT%22%3A%20%22example%22%20%7D%20%7D";-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data";-F "file=@/path/to/file/in/localsystem.HL7";
This works, but I wanted to know how to do it using the InvokeHttp processor. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Created 05-22-2019 06:01 PM
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Has anyone been successful yet with POST multipart via invokehttp? [We are running 1.9.2.]
Created 12-01-2019 09:47 PM
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Hi @ankita_pise ,
Were you able to achieve this using InvokeHttp processor ?
I am also looking for the solution.
Created 12-10-2019 12:46 PM
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Add me to this growing list.
Created 12-26-2019 04:56 AM
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Any luck on this?
i am trying to POST multiple files to API
curl -X POST "https://xxxxxx/xxxxx" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file1=@File1.csv;type=application/vnd.ms-excel" -F "file2=@File2.txt;type=text/plain" -F "file3=@File3.csv;type=application/vnd.ms-excel" -F "format=flat"
Created 12-27-2019 06:30 AM
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@ankita_pise Did you try appending the json string of values to the Url and like you did in curl?
I believe this may work if it works in Curl.
Let us know the results.
Created 03-25-2020 07:30 AM
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Anyone having the solution for this we are struggling lot many days!!!
We need to send file in multi-part/formdata...
Created 05-24-2020 07:36 AM
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I could not succeed in multipart upload with InvokeHTTP processor.
So I used a simple java code to upload file using 'multipart/form-data'.
Invoked java code from nifi SprintContextProcessor.
As my file was large, I wrote the file content to disc before invoking 'SprintContextProcessor' and using java code read the file content and uploaded to the target.
You can transfer flow file content directly to the java code (SpringContext processor).
Created 05-18-2021 11:47 PM
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@hegdemahendra i were able to generate dynamic multipart payload via below groovy script
@hegdemahendra wrote:I could not succeed in multipart upload with InvokeHTTP processor.
So I used a simple java code to upload file using 'multipart/form-data'.
Invoked java code from nifi SprintContextProcessor.
As my file was large, I wrote the file content to disc before invoking 'SprintContextProcessor' and using java code read the file content and uploaded to the target.You can transfer flow file content directly to the java code (SpringContext processor).
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper @Grab("org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.3.6") import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody import org.apache.nifi.processor.io.InputStreamCallback import org.apache.nifi.processor.io.OutputStreamCallback MultipartEntityBuilder multipartRequestEntity = new MultipartEntityBuilder() multipartRequestEntity.addPart('id', new StringBody("id")) multipartRequestEntity.addPart('version', new StringBody("version")) // // def slurper = new JsonSlurper(); resp = multipartRequestEntity.build() flowFile = session.get() session.read(flowFile, { inputStream -> jsonInput = slurper.parse(inputStream); } as InputStreamCallback) flowFile = session.write(flowFile, { outputStream -> resp.writeTo(outputStream); } as OutputStreamCallback) flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, "mime.type", resp.getContentType().getValue()) flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, "Content-Type", resp.getContentType().getValue()) session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
connect this to invokehttp processor. you will be able to make multipart http request.
above script should be used incase of dynamic multipart, for static use invokehttp directly with
`post:form:key`: `<data>`
Created 05-20-2021 02:29 PM
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Have you tried using the "PostHttp" [1] processor instead to send your multi-part form data content FlowFile?
It would be configured as follows:
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