Created 08-07-2017 01:55 PM
Hello All,
How can I add a new NiFi consumer to a Kafka topic and send data from beginning? I do not see any setting in ConsumerKafkaRecord_0_10 processor to accomplish this.
I am looking for functionality similar to --from-beginning parameter in Kafka Console Consumer.
"./bin/kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181/kafka --topic LCL_LANG_DSTRBTN1 --from-beginning"
Created 08-07-2017 03:09 PM
There is a property called "Offset Reset" that you can set to "earliest".
This only takes effect the first time the consumer group consumes from the topic, so if you have already run the processor before then you will need to also change the group id.
Created 08-07-2017 03:09 PM
There is a property called "Offset Reset" that you can set to "earliest".
This only takes effect the first time the consumer group consumes from the topic, so if you have already run the processor before then you will need to also change the group id.
Created 08-07-2017 06:34 PM
Thanks Bryan !!