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How to set No of output file per reducer in Custom Partitioner Hadoop

Rising Star

Hi ,

I have implemented custom partition based on my logic .and i am able to get files also properly .But because of the condition some of the reducer is having very huge data and that leads to delay in reducer phase.

So is there any way so that i can create many small files inside one reducer output file .

Here is my custom partioner

public class MyPartioner extends Partitioner<Text, IntWritable> {
  public int getPartition(Text key, IntWritable value, int setNumRedTask) {
   String str = key.toString();
   if (str.contains("Japan|2014")) {
    return 0;
   } else if (str.contains("Japan|2013")) {
    return 1;
   }  else if (str.contains("Japan|2012")) {
    return 2;
   } else if (str.contains("Japan|2011")) {
    return 3;
   } else
    return 4;

First condition have very huge amount of data like 20 GB but last will have 12 mb .


Master Mentor

Generally to control output format from reducer you'd use multiple output class

You get best results by writing larger files, not sure what you benefit from splitting a dataset that fits your criteria into smaller chunks, job won't complete until all of the criteria is addressed and in fact I think you'll hurt performance by splitting what is by design a better approach.

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

Generally to control output format from reducer you'd use multiple output class

You get best results by writing larger files, not sure what you benefit from splitting a dataset that fits your criteria into smaller chunks, job won't complete until all of the criteria is addressed and in fact I think you'll hurt performance by splitting what is by design a better approach.

Master Mentor

You can try your use case using Pig and built-in Split function as you'll benefit from underlying query plan optimizations and Tez execution engine compared to pure mapreduce implementation

It might be a much more worthwhile investment in your case

Master Mentor

Master Mentor

@sudarshan kumar did that answer your question?

Rising Star

No i can not go for PIG now my full application is developed on mapreduce .

Rising Star

Customer needs data in the proper file .Even if one file will have 10 kb data also .

Master Mentor

Was I able to answer your question or do you need further clarification?