Created 09-29-2015 01:10 AM
Created 09-29-2015 01:30 AM
High availability for Ambari Server can be achieved by enabling a rapid failover mechanism (an active-passive setup) through an external monitoring tool e.g. Upstart, Supervisor or some other Daemon tool.
Customers deploys two (2) Ambari servers configured exactly same having same Ambari property files. One of the server is kept active while the other is stopped.
The responsibilities of the external monitoring service are:
Requirements for HA
Created 09-29-2015 01:21 AM had answered this recently:
"At this point there is no plan to inherently support an active-passive deployment. There are some work-items to make it easier to have an external logic enable failover such as configuring Ambari Agents to take a list of hostnames for the servers and select the active one to auto-register"
Created 09-29-2015 01:30 AM
High availability for Ambari Server can be achieved by enabling a rapid failover mechanism (an active-passive setup) through an external monitoring tool e.g. Upstart, Supervisor or some other Daemon tool.
Customers deploys two (2) Ambari servers configured exactly same having same Ambari property files. One of the server is kept active while the other is stopped.
The responsibilities of the external monitoring service are:
Requirements for HA
Created 09-29-2015 01:31 AM
There is no inherent support. What I described is what some users have implemented.
Created 10-22-2015 01:09 PM
Instead of using an external monitoring tool such as Upstart or Supervisor, I would recommend using a cluster software solution.
In the past, I have used (not for Hadoop) with good success the Pacemaker software ( It not only detects some failure, but also automatically raises up the standby daemon, can handle dependencies (first recovering the database, then the application), define some fencing, do placement policies (avoiding having the database and the application on the same node for instance)...
Created 10-21-2015 09:51 PM
This may be done in Ambari 2.2 or 2.3, depending on when the community decides to work on it.
Created 07-20-2016 01:56 PM
@Alejandro Fernandez @smohanty
Has there been any development during the past 9 months? Is HA for Ambari (maybe also active-active) supported in Ambari 2.2.?
Created 06-20-2017 10:42 PM
This is kindof an important feature. it's been 2 years now and still nothing 😞