Hi i am new to HDinsight cluster with HDP 2.4 , I just want to take a backup of file and remove some record one of hive table(partitoned) which is stored in blob storage(cloud)
i have done this in hive table which are stored in local hdfs
Create table bkp_table as select * from original_table;
so like above i done in HDinsight cluster
1) I have create database ' bkp_database' in hive(but which is not storage in blob storage)
2) i have take the backup of table
Create table bkp_database.bkp_table as select * from org_database.original_table(which is is stored in blob storage);
Here i observe that
1) table size is differ(blob storage have orc format)
2)table count() not matches
Can any one explain the step-step by process how to take a backup of hive table in hdsight cluster?