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How will I set up Secure NIFI cluster that using my real Cert that I bought instead of self generate.


I am following the below procedure but I don't see how I can apply the Cert that I bought.




The certificate you purchased from a certificate authority will identify the NiFi application. Depending on the format it is in (likely a *.key file containing the private key which never left your computer and a *.pem or *.der file containing the corresponding public key, which was then signed via a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) sent to the CA), you will need to build the following files:

  • Keystore
    • This will contain the private key and public key certificate with the issuing CA's public certificate in a chain (as a privateKeyEntry) [see example output below]
  • Truststore
    • This will contain the public key of your client certificate (if using one) in order to authenticate you as a user connecting to the UI/API.

Alternate example using keytool:

  1. You generate a public/private keypair using the Java keytool:

    $ keytool -genkey -alias nifi -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.jks

  2. You then export a certificate signing request which you send to the certificate authority:

    $ keytool -certreq -alias nifi -keyalg RSA -file nifi.csr -keystore keystore.jks

  3. You will get a CSR file nifi.csr which you send to the CA, and they provide a signed public certificate (and the public certificate of the CA) back cert_from_ca.pem:

    $ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias nifi -file cert_from_ca.pem -keystore keystore.jks

Here is a link to the full steps I ran (I ran my own CA in another terminal to simulate the actions of the external CA) and the resulting output.

View solution in original post




The certificate you purchased from a certificate authority will identify the NiFi application. Depending on the format it is in (likely a *.key file containing the private key which never left your computer and a *.pem or *.der file containing the corresponding public key, which was then signed via a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) sent to the CA), you will need to build the following files:

  • Keystore
    • This will contain the private key and public key certificate with the issuing CA's public certificate in a chain (as a privateKeyEntry) [see example output below]
  • Truststore
    • This will contain the public key of your client certificate (if using one) in order to authenticate you as a user connecting to the UI/API.

Alternate example using keytool:

  1. You generate a public/private keypair using the Java keytool:

    $ keytool -genkey -alias nifi -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.jks

  2. You then export a certificate signing request which you send to the certificate authority:

    $ keytool -certreq -alias nifi -keyalg RSA -file nifi.csr -keystore keystore.jks

  3. You will get a CSR file nifi.csr which you send to the CA, and they provide a signed public certificate (and the public certificate of the CA) back cert_from_ca.pem:

    $ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias nifi -file cert_from_ca.pem -keystore keystore.jks

Here is a link to the full steps I ran (I ran my own CA in another terminal to simulate the actions of the external CA) and the resulting output.


@Andy LoPresto

Hi Andy, Thank you so much for your help. I understanding much better about the Certificates and when you to use TLS Generation Toolkit and what to your for prod environment. I am running into user permission issue. Shall I ask on the same thread or shall I create new question? Thanks for the help Andy!


Mark, I'm glad the answer helped you. You should open a new question for the user permission issue and I will take a look.
