Created 12-29-2015 08:55 AM
Hi Team,
I am facing following errors while browsing Hive UI and and File browser in Hue.
HiveUI Error -
QueryServerException at /beeswax/ Bad status for request TOpenSessionReq(username='hue', password='hue', client_protocol=4, configuration={'hive.server2.proxy.user': u'admin'}): TOpenSessionResp(status=TStatus(errorCode=0, errorMessage='Failed to open new session:
File Browser Error -
WebHdfsException at /filebrowser/ SecurityException: Failed to obtain user group information: User: hue is not allowed to impersonate admin (error 403)
Note : - Installation and configuration for Hue has been done using below URL
Created 02-08-2016 06:24 AM
Divakar: Thanks for your consideration, but as I have mentioned above problem has been resolved by running build/env/bin/hue syncdb --noinput
Created 02-02-2016 09:04 AM
Hi PD, Thanks for your reply. I ad same value for hadoop.proxyuser.hive.groups and still was facing issue.
Actually I upgraded my HDP stack from 2.2 to 2.3 so because and I did not syncdb for hue. On ce I did that it solved my issue.
If you are getting above error then try to update hue config with following command. /usr/lib/hue/build/env/bin/hue syncdb --noinput it will update your hue files.
[root@m1 hue]# build/env/bin/hue syncdb --noinput
Created 02-08-2016 06:03 AM
Can you cross check webhdfs_url propertie in hue.conf
# webhdfs_url=http://NN Host:50070/webhdfs/v1/
Can you check hadoop-httpfs status?
Created 02-08-2016 06:24 AM
Divakar: Thanks for your consideration, but as I have mentioned above problem has been resolved by running build/env/bin/hue syncdb --noinput
Created 02-08-2016 06:47 AM
Thanks for informing me the correct solution.
Created 02-08-2016 01:06 PM
Our best practice is to have a dedicated ambai views server (standalone) separate from Ambari server node. You can add more Ambari Views servers by the way and Hue is in the same situation I'd it goes down impact felt by everyone. @Saurabh Kumar please refer to ambai views user guide