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I can not run yarn commands on the cluster



we have a hortonwork cluster which a yarn client is installed on that. I need to ssh to cluster and then run yarn commands. I can access the ambari using below

I can use SSH to the node using putty,

ssh user@ -p 22

however, I cant run yarn commands while I know we have yarn installed.

I am new to hortonworks so can you guide me to run yarn commands on the cluster


Master Mentor

@Lucy zhang

If you are using Sandbox then you should using ssh port 2222 to connect to instead of 22 to access all the commands.

# ssh user@ -p 2222


If it is not a sandbox then you should make sure that you have installed the Yarn Clients to the host where you are trying to run the yarn commands.

If you have already installed Yarn clients on that host then Which yarn command exactly is not working?

Still if you face any error/exeption then please share the trace.

View solution in original post



What command are you trying to run ? Is it throwing any error/response that you can post?

Master Mentor

@Lucy zhang

If you are using Sandbox then you should using ssh port 2222 to connect to instead of 22 to access all the commands.

# ssh user@ -p 2222


If it is not a sandbox then you should make sure that you have installed the Yarn Clients to the host where you are trying to run the yarn commands.

If you have already installed Yarn clients on that host then Which yarn command exactly is not working?

Still if you face any error/exeption then please share the trace.


HI, thanks for your reply, it seems that I have not yarn client installed on that node..I ssh to t as I have user and password for that. SSH client is insattled on another host such as do I need to ssh to it again. Can I traverse between cluster nodes without SSH as I don't have user and password for that node having SSH client