Created 05-17-2023 09:12 PM
I followed this guide on the Cloudera website, I've finished "Installing and Upgrading the Sentry Service" step. Now what do I do next?
I tried to start Beeline and execute some queries as normal but get a privilege error
kinit -k -t /home/vgdata/vega.keytab vega@BI.VEGA.COM (get tgt for user vega)
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://data-node01:10000/test;principal=hive/" (access beeline with kerberos principal)
select * from test; (execute query)
But I got an error like below
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException No valid privileges
User vega does not have privileges for SWITCHDATABASE
The required privileges: Server=server1->Db=*->Table=+->Column=*...
User "vega" is hdfs superuser, and also the main user that we use to connect to all Hadoop services (there is a Kerberos principal "vega" too)
I tried to execute some commands like
create role admin;
grant role ....
But all get an error like "No groups found for user vega"
Now where do I start? Is there a default "admin" user that I can do everything (including grant...)? I want to grant user "vega" the "admin" role, which can do everything. Something like my SQL grant privilege command
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database.table TO user;
Created 05-18-2023 02:05 AM
Use the below commands and see if you find any difference.
CREATE ROLE [role_name];
GRANT <PRIVILEGE> ON <OBJECT> <object_name> TO ROLE <roleName>
GRANT ROLE <role_name> TO GROUP <groupName>;
create role testing;
grant all on database <db-name> to role testing;
grant role testing to group <group-name>;
In this case the user should be part of this particular group on all the cluster nodes - user group mapping at OS level is required. You can check the groups of a user using "id <user-name>".
Chethan YM
Created 05-18-2023 07:56 PM
Thank. The user hasn't existed at OS Level (Centos). I create the user and it's fine. Also, the created user must be in "admin.groups" in Sentry conf to have the privileges on the Grant Commands.
Also, may I ask how Sentry recognize user/group? Does it take the user/group from Hue, or HDFS, or local OS (in the case of using Cloudera Cluster)? At first, I think it was the OS level, but I have some problems related to the user/group, seems like Sentry doesn't recognize properly user/group setting on the OS level.
Or do I have to create the same user/group for all nodes in cluster, not just in the main name-node?
Created 05-19-2023 02:21 AM
Yes, User group mapping should be across the cluster nodes not only on name-node.