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Impala External Table Create Error

New Contributor



This is my first time working with Impala and I'm getting very odd errors, which I cannot find the cause of.  I am trying to follow the Impala tutorial in  When I try to create my external table from the impala-shell it gives me the following error:


ERROR: MetaException: Got exception: Permission denied: user=impala, access=WRITE, inode="/user":hdfs:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x


I am going nuts trying to google this and have found several suggestions, but non of which seems to do anything for me.


My files are in a directory /user/data/table1

I did a hdfs dfs -chmod on just about everthing I could think of to 777 so everything should be writeable.  I made the user and group impala:impala on all the data files and the directories.  Yet, I am still getting this error.  The error message doesn't tell me specifically what directory the problem is.  I really wish that were the case, then I wouldn't need to bother anyone.


Any suggestions would be very helpful?


Do I need a specific directory?

Should my CSV files be chown to some other user?

Should I be running impala-shell as a different user than root, hdfs, impala (I've tried all 3)?

Should I have ran the Cloudera Install Manager as a different user?


P.S. I moved the CSV file into the directory using the hdfs dfs -put command just like the tutorial said.  This seems like great stuff if I could just get it to work. 







New Contributor

Well, I reinstalled everything and now it works like a champ.  I can't explain what I did different in the installation this time, versus last time, but as we all know computers don't think for themselves 🙂 I guess user error? 😞


So anyways, umm yeah, looks pretty good.




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New Contributor

Well, I reinstalled everything and now it works like a champ.  I can't explain what I did different in the installation this time, versus last time, but as we all know computers don't think for themselves 🙂 I guess user error? 😞


So anyways, umm yeah, looks pretty good.

