Created 11-07-2020 12:06 AM
I've been trying to set up a Cloudera Private Cloud cluster for a POC and for several times now and each time fails in the Install Parcels stage with the following errors:
Src file /opt/cloudera/parcels/.flood/CDH-7.1.4-1.cdh7.1.4.p0.6300266-el7.parcel/CDH-7.1.4-1.cdh7.1.4.p0.6300266-el7.parcel does not exist
Src file /opt/cloudera/parcels/.flood/CDH-7.1.3-1.cdh7.1.3.p1.6631775-el7.parcel/CDH-7.1.3-1.cdh7.1.3.p1.6631775-el7.parcel does not exist
Needless to say, when I chose Parcels in Select Repository section, I checked in Parcel Repository & Network Settings that all the URL were connecting correctly:
It doesn't change anything if I switch to HTTPS. Choosing to install with packages also fails.
What could be the problem?
Created on 11-08-2020 01:22 AM - edited 11-08-2020 01:25 AM
Also faced a failure when trying to install with packages. The Hue package fails:
Created 11-08-2020 08:11 AM
@meiravR Two things 1) You have to see the CM server logs for better understanding of this parcels issue. 2) You don't have to install Hue manually the CDH parcels have Hue already in it.
So I would suggest you to do a server restart and see if it works.
NOTE: If you have installed parcels manually then you have to copy those on every hosts.
Created on 11-09-2020 04:39 AM - edited 11-09-2020 04:39 AM
1. OK, I don't need packages. I only tried packages because the parcels option keeps failing.
2. You can find the log here, it's too big to copy+paste to this reply.
3. After restarting the server, I still get this error in the Parcels tab. I'm assuming my cluster is not something I can actually use like a normal cluster...: