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Is CDP open source?


I have a simple question, Is CDP (CDH 7.x) open source?


when I try to download the cm7 from this URL

Its ask for password.


I am following this URL




Super Guru

The newest CDP and HDP releases require a customer username and password.



Anything in the path will require this level of authorization.   Here is some specific reference to how to obtain access (for HDP):


Starting with the HDP 3.1.5 release, access to HDP repositories requires authentication. To access the binaries, you must first have the required authentication credentials (username and password).

Authentication credentials for new customers and partners are provided in an email sent from Cloudera to registered support contacts. Existing users can file a non-technical case within the support portal ( to obtain credentials.

Previously, HDP repositories were located on AWS S3. As of HDP 3.1.5 / Ambari 2.7.5, repositories have been moved to

When you obtain your authentication credentials, use them to form the URL where you can access the HDP repository in the HDP archive, as shown below. Insert your username and password at the front of the URL.


View solution in original post



Interestingly, it appears from their recent announcement that centos8 in particular and centos in general is going to stop being a stable release of Linux that's compatible with RHEL and maintained by the community:



Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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Expert Contributor

@Tim Armstrong  that is great !

Is the source now available ? and the documentation to build the source ?

I am pretty sure the community will simply rally around and build something up with enough pointers.

I agree with @PieterB hiding the base binaries is silly.

Did the HDP model have any failures ? 

Enterprises which needed support bought it anyway.

Keeping it free increased adoption.

New Contributor

Can't agree more. if there is no open source, no one knows HDP or CDP. And no company would pay if there is no way to try. I can't install HDP for two month in our cluster and then destroy it.

Expert Contributor

Well, it's been a while and now we have most of the answers. The new paywall kicked in first of February 2021 and now even being on CDH 6.x express edition we cannot update our operating systems. They removed access even to the old archive and the only way is to remove CM/CDH from the apt list! 

For 7.x I get it, but going back and cripple access to your old archive binaries was small and petty!

New Contributor

I was able to install 6.1.1 to experience the environment and prepare for the Cloudera Certificate exam, now I cannot.

At least provide people a way to trial your product. Either a quickstart VM (only available at 5.1, which really outdated), or enable the old version. For ver 7? Fine, I don't care, but for a version that you are making people taking exam on it, at least provide a way for them to experience it first hand.

New Contributor

Apparently not. The old CDH model seems gone with the introduction of CDP which appears using a pure subscription based model (i.e. without the old open source model co-existing as in the old CDH model). Of course, most components in CDP are still open source. The question concerns CDP as a whole (like CDH in before), not individual components. 


I have a valid subscription and I have access only to the binary jar packages which are available in the repositories. However I found out you can get access to the source code by going to the "cdh7/<version>/maven_repository" sub-folder, were you will get a binary zip for every artifact, for example "" for Hive. Inside this zip file you will find  the binary jars and also a source jar containing the code for each sub-proyect, for example:




Community Manager

@lv_antel Welcome to the Cloudera Community!

As this is an older post, you would have a better chance of receiving a resolution by starting a new thread. This will also be an opportunity to provide details specific to your environment that could aid others in assisting you with a more accurate answer to your question. You can link this thread as a reference in your new post. Thanks.


Diana Torres,
Community Moderator

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