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Is container_e70_144523545423_0003_01_000010 a valid containerId ?

Super Collaborator

I am not sure why e70 is in the part of containerId, I do see it in a HDP 2.3 environment. Is this expected or a known issue ?



According to the Hadoop YARN API, here is the breakdown of the Container ID string:

"The format is container_e*epoch*_*clusterTimestamp*_*appId*_*attemptId*_*containerId*.

When epoch is larger than 0 (e.g. container_e17_1410901177871_0001_01_000005). *epoch* is increased when RM restarts or fails over.

When epoch is 0, epoch is omitted (e.g. container_1410901177871_0001_01_000005)."

To add more context, this was added by YARN-2562 in Hadoop 2.6.0 as an improvement for readability of the containerId string. So, its an expected behavior.

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According to the Hadoop YARN API, here is the breakdown of the Container ID string:

"The format is container_e*epoch*_*clusterTimestamp*_*appId*_*attemptId*_*containerId*.

When epoch is larger than 0 (e.g. container_e17_1410901177871_0001_01_000005). *epoch* is increased when RM restarts or fails over.

When epoch is 0, epoch is omitted (e.g. container_1410901177871_0001_01_000005)."

To add more context, this was added by YARN-2562 in Hadoop 2.6.0 as an improvement for readability of the containerId string. So, its an expected behavior.