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Is it possible to deploy and manage Solr through Ambari?

New Contributor

The documentation for HDP 2.3 describes deploying Solr as a process of deploying packages to every HDFS node in the cluster, and there is a separate web UI for managing indexes, working with collections, etc. Is there a way to instead deploy through Ambari and/or see the health of and manage the Solr service in Ambari?



So we worked with LW on an official TechPreview for Ambari managed Solr but this have not yet been released yet. Someone from PM org probably has a better idea of when the official TP will be out (maybe @Tim Hall can comment).

For demo scenarios only you can try the one I built here. Last weekend as part of the Amabri hack-fest I updated it to support HDPsearch, although the default is still Apache Solr.

To use HDPsearch instead, set the below property while installing the service = HDPSEARCH

Having said that, there wasn't a whole lot of testing done so feel free to send me feedback offline if you have any issues

View solution in original post



@Ronald, take a look at this workshop -


That will work for HDP 2.2, but is not the way to do it on 2.3. In 2.3 we have a proper RPM based install. This stack has not yet been updated to reflect the new deployment mechanism.


This has been updated recently, see my comment below

Master Mentor

@Ronald McCollam Jira on the same


So we worked with LW on an official TechPreview for Ambari managed Solr but this have not yet been released yet. Someone from PM org probably has a better idea of when the official TP will be out (maybe @Tim Hall can comment).

For demo scenarios only you can try the one I built here. Last weekend as part of the Amabri hack-fest I updated it to support HDPsearch, although the default is still Apache Solr.

To use HDPsearch instead, set the below property while installing the service = HDPSEARCH

Having said that, there wasn't a whole lot of testing done so feel free to send me feedback offline if you have any issues