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Kafka Hive integration error related most possibly to different guava versions

New Contributor

Hello all,


I tried to search Hive related topics but did not find the issue I face so I wanted to ask here.


This is CDH 6.3.2 (Parcels) on Linux (CentOS)


I have Kafka and Hive and I am able to create external Kafka tables after putting hive-exec-3.1.3000. and kafka-handler-3.1.3000. in Hive under Hive Auxiliary JARs Directory


However, when I try to select data from the external table I get this error:


0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/testdb> select * from kafka_table;
Error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;JJ)V (state=,code=0)


After looking for this error I've found that it is most likely related to issues with different versions of guava in Hadoop and Hive:


I see that Hadoop is using 




And Hive is using




And Kafka is using




However following the advice from the HIVE Jira above if I equalize Hive and Hadoop versions (either downgrade Hive to guava-11.0.2.jar or upgrade Hadoop in all locations above to guava-14.0.2.jar) the errors persist.


If I upgrade Hive to guava-20.0.jar I get multiple issues and I am not even able to read local tables:


0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/testdb> desc kafka_table;
Error: Error running query: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method; from class org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FetchOperator (state=,code=0)


If I restore Hive to either guava-11.0.2.jar or guava-14.0.2.jar I am again able to select data from tables but initial error is still in place and I cannot read Kafka topic messages in Hive.


Has anyone else faced this already and if yes what is recommended way to resolve this in Cloudera environment?


Thanks a lot in advance.


Warm regards,



Master Guru

I believe you need to be running HDP 3.1 or CDP for the Hive-Kafka integration since it's part of Hive 3.x and CDH has Hive 1 or 2.

View solution in original post


Master Guru

I believe you need to be running HDP 3.1 or CDP for the Hive-Kafka integration since it's part of Hive 3.x and CDH has Hive 1 or 2.

Master Guru

New Contributor

Thanks a lot @TimothySpann for your time and insight. Your advice saves me from future futile efforts to hack/mess up with guava jar libs. I will probably try different approach to load Kafka topics into Hive. Thanks again.