Created 09-12-2023 07:46 AM
Log on driver :
2021/02/18 18:10:09.612 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] hadoop login
2021/02/18 18:10:09.614 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] hadoop login commit
2021/02/18 18:10:09.617 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] using local user:UnixPrincipal: tss
2021/02/18 18:10:09.618 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] Using user: "UnixPrincipal: tss" with name tss
2021/02/18 18:10:09.618 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] User entry: "tss"
2021/02/18 18:10:09.622 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] Reading credentials from location set in HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION: /srv/BigData/hadoop/data1/nm/localdir/usercache/tss/appcache/application_1611987488531_0743/container_e13_1611987488531_0743_02_000001/container_tokens
2021/02/18 18:10:09.635 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] Loaded 2 tokens
2021/02/18 18:10:09.636 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] UGI loginUser:tss (auth:SIMPLE)
2021/02/18 18:10:09.637 INFO AMCredentialRenewer: [] Attempting to login to KDC using principal: tss@HADOOP.COM
2021/02/18 18:10:09.727 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] hadoop login
2021/02/18 18:10:09.728 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] hadoop login commit
2021/02/18 18:10:09.728 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] using kerberos user:tss@HADOOP.COM
2021/02/18 18:10:09.729 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] Using user: "tss@HADOOP.COM" with name tss@HADOOP.COM
2021/02/18 18:10:09.729 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] User entry: "tss@HADOOP.COM"
2021/02/18 18:10:09.730 INFO AMCredentialRenewer: [] Successfully logged into KDC.
2021/02/18 18:10:09.733 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] PrivilegedAction as:tss@HADOOP.COM (auth:KERBEROS)
Log on executor:
2021/02/18 18:10:19.426 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] hadoop login
2021/02/18 18:10:19.427 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] hadoop login commit
2021/02/18 18:10:19.428 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] using local user:UnixPrincipal: tss
2021/02/18 18:10:19.429 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] Using user: "UnixPrincipal: tss" with name tss
2021/02/18 18:10:19.429 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] User entry: "tss"
2021/02/18 18:10:19.432 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] Reading credentials from location set in HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION: /srv/BigData/hadoop/data1/nm/localdir/usercache/tss/appcache/application_1611987488531_0743/container_e13_1611987488531_0743_02_000002/container_tokens
2021/02/18 18:10:19.448 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] Loaded 2 tokens
2021/02/18 18:10:19.449 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] UGI loginUser:tss (auth:SIMPLE)
2021/02/18 18:10:19.449 DEBUG UserGroupInformation: [] PrivilegedAction as:tss (auth:SIMPLE) from:org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil.runAsSparkUser(SparkHadoopUtil.scala:64)
In driver ,am would renew the token ,ugi can login as kerberos. While in executor ,the ugi login simple that ugi
method hasKerberosCredentials() return a false. As as result , a exception has been throwed which reports "Could not locate Kerberos Principal on currently logged in user."spark-submit --class cn.zwy.SparkWordCount \
--master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --conf '' \
--jars ~/elasticsearch-hadoop-7.10.2.jar \
--conf '' \
--conf '' \
--conf '' \
--conf '' \
--conf '' \
--conf '' \
--conf '' \
--conf spark.yarn.submit.waitAppCompletion=false \
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions="" \
--conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions="" \
--conf spark.yarn.credentials.file=/tmp \
--principal tss@HADOOP.COM \
--keytab /data01/jax1.0/jax/user.keytab \
--conf '' \
~/spark-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jarAnyone can help resolve this issue
Created 03-05-2024 05:14 AM
Based on the logs and the Spark-submit command provided, it seems like there are discrepancies between the authentication mechanisms used in the driver and the executor environments, leading to authentication errors. Here are some potential issues and solutions:
Mismatch in Authentication Mechanisms:
Kerberos Configuration:
SPNEGO Configuration:
Permission Issues:
Token Renewal:
To address the issue, consider the following steps:
Chethan YM