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Knox and Accumulo


Is anyone aware of any plans for integrations between Knox and Accumulo?


Super Guru

It's something that is asked now and again, but, no, I am not aware of any concrete plans to integrate them.

It would be helpful to identify what is actually being asked for as, presently, the only REST API out of Accumulo is the Accumulo monitor which provides inside into a cluster. This is no client API over REST which is what Knox would traditionally be integrating with.

Understanding what kind of integration you're asking for would be helpful. Thanks!

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Super Guru

It's something that is asked now and again, but, no, I am not aware of any concrete plans to integrate them.

It would be helpful to identify what is actually being asked for as, presently, the only REST API out of Accumulo is the Accumulo monitor which provides inside into a cluster. This is no client API over REST which is what Knox would traditionally be integrating with.

Understanding what kind of integration you're asking for would be helpful. Thanks!


Thanks for the update, Josh. The question wasn't exactly mine -- I was trying to show an HDP user out there the power of HCC and how fast a response should come in. I'll circle back to them to see if they could chime in to clarify the needs they are desiring (and possibly continue to proxy them if they aren't ready to collaborate directly).

Super Guru

I hope I met your SLA 😉