I need some assistance with Kudu, We have 2 tables that are consuming more space on our Kudu Cluster however, we could not find these tables under the database. Would need some guidance/assistance on a way to check where these tables are located under which Db.
I can see the table in Kudu Web UI, however, when I try to query it via Impala I get the error:
[My_server:21000] kwid> show create table ALARMS_COUNTERS_2021_11_01;
Query: show create table ALARMS_COUNTERS_2021_11_01
ERROR: AnalysisException: Table does not exist: kwid.ALARMS_COUNTERS_2021_11_01
If I run “show tables” against the DB I get a list of all the tables, but this table is not in the list.