Hi guys,
We decided to replace one broker(id=29) in our Kafka cluster.
default.replication.factor: 3
num.partitions: 3
So, we moved all topics from brokers 29,30,31 to 30,31 using kafka-reassign-partitions. Everything was ok
After replication was done we added replaced node(id=32) and moved all topics to brokers 30,31,32
But we see that all partitions have the same leader is 30:
./kafka-topics --topic=Shop --describe --zookeeper=localhost:2181
Topic:Shop PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
Topic: Shop Partition: 0 Leader: 30 Replicas: 30,32,31 Isr: 31,30,32
Topic: Shop Partition: 1 Leader: 30 Replicas: 32,31,30 Isr: 30,31,32
Topic: Shop Partition: 2 Leader: 30 Replicas: 31,30,32 Isr: 30,31,32
How should we change it?