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Listing S3 Bucket files using python in NiFi ExecuteScript Processor

Rising Star

Hi, Since we can mention only one prefix in ListS3 processor I am trying to access AWS S3 using Python boto3 in NiFi ExecuteScript processor. If this succeeds, I can send a list of folder paths to the python script to get files from various folders under S3 bucket. I provided the path of boto3-1.6.0.tar.gz in ModuleDirectory but I get the below error.

@Matt Burgess @Bryan Bende @Matt Foley Please let me know how to fix this and achieve use case.

ExecuteScript Processor :



ExecuteScript[id=d6cf51e8-0161-1000-32de-7748af781842] Failed to process session due to org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: javax.script.ScriptException: ImportError: No module named boto3 in <script> at line number 1: javax.script.ScriptException: ImportError: No module named boto3 in <script> at line number 1


Set your module direct to something like this to pick up all the python modules, /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages,/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

New Contributor

Has anyone validated if you can access boto3 from Apache NiFi?

Expert Contributor


As NiFi is a pure Java/JVM application, we use Jython rather than
    Python for ExecuteScript. This means that you can't import native
    (CPython, e.g.) modules into your Jython scripts in ExecuteScript
consider using ExecuteStreamCommand with a real Python
    interpreter and script. I'm looking at Py4J to try and bridge the gap