Created on 03-30-2016 03:05 AM - edited 09-16-2022 03:11 AM
Hi all,
I've recently created a ClouderaLive cluster and I'm trying to go through the tutorial exercises. According to the tutorial, I need to make sure that all services show up in green in ClouderaManager. However, some of them show up in yellow because of log directory space issues.
I've logged in to the manager node to check and it looks like the issue was caused by free space in /var/log filesystem falling below 10GB threshold. However, I cannot purge any logs because I can only ssh as ec2-user.
What is the proper solution here? Can I purge them via the webUI or is there a way to log in as root (or as a log owner, such as oozie or hdfs users)?
Best regards,
Created 03-30-2016 06:47 AM
Created 03-30-2016 06:47 AM
Created 04-07-2016 02:41 AM
Thanks Sean!