Is there a way of looking up my DB with multiple tables, extracting the rows in a JSON and compare them to another JSON that I generated in another flow? The generated JSON has pretty much the same name for keys as the database column-names. The only difference is that my self-generated JSON is nested and therefore contains a lot arrays. How can I compare matching names(key- and columnames) from the nested and flat-Json I am having?
I am currently using the Execute SQL-Processor which gives me AVRO-formatted Data that I transformed with ConvertAvrotoJSON to a JSON file that is flat.
My second problem is that I would like to update the self-generated JSON with missing values from the DB and put it again into the DB/update the existing values in the DB. I tried using the ConvertJSON-Processor which is unfortunately designed for only one table, when I do have like 50 tables. Is there an easy yet efficient way of doing the desired things?
The self-generated JSON looks like this:
"ampdata": [
"nr": "303",
"code": "JGJGh4958GH",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"ability": [ "" ],
"type": "wheeled",
"conns": [
"nr": "447",
"status": "",
"version": "3",
"format": "sckt",
"amp": "32",
"vol": "400",
"vpower": 22
The DB data is pretty much the same, but flat and contains sometimes more information that are missing in the self-generated JSON. This information has to be added to the self generated JSON. The updated JSON should update the current DB-entry.
@Matt Burgess
If you require more information, please let me know.