Created 08-13-2024 06:15 AM
I am trying use LookupRecord LookupRecord from Oracle table and i am using Avro reader/writer in LookupRecord .
BUt i am receiving below error
Any suggestion @mburgess
2024-08-13 18:09:09,214 ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-4] o.a.n.processors.standard.LookupRecord LookupRecord[id=3a641d1a-1b3c-1a47-2c18-b3541562e3ea] Could not determine schema to use for enriched FlowFiles
org.apache.avro.InvalidAvroMagicException: Not an Avro data file.
Created 08-13-2024 06:59 AM
Hi ,
Are you using provided avro schema ? If so, its basically saying that your avro schema is invalid! how are you providing your schema ? Can you please post some screenshot of your configuration?
Created 08-13-2024 07:34 AM
Is the incoming FlowFile an Avro file? Or is it JSON or something else?
Created on 08-13-2024 09:28 PM - edited 08-13-2024 09:30 PM
@mburgess -- I am reading from Oracle table, not sure about the incoming flowfile