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Manual KDC and kerberos option in ambari


I am trying to use the option "Manage Kerberos principals and keytabs manually" in ambari while trying to kerberise the cluster.

I am trying to use the provided by ambari. does it work as expected?

I dont see that, it is throwing up lot of errors and trying to replace the krb5.conf (i changed) with the default one. also it is trying to create a kdc database. what is the password for that. Also the script is not installing rngd,pdsh, i did it manually. Finally i do see the error . Even though i see the hosts entry at accepted_hosts.

HAs anyone the correct version of this script. I am using HDP 2.4

pdsh@instance-1: no remote hosts specified



Please provide the documentation link that you are using. Also why are you managing the kerberos keytabs manually? I would let the wizard create it irrespective of if you do it on AD or MIT KDC. This is a much cleaner process.

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Some items i noticed are , the scripts doesnt have the setting for redhat 7 , i added it.

But there are a couple of other issues too . The script removes the sudo permissions too. Instead the old script of is better. but that script is not part of the latest ambari. Do someone have the rectified version of this script or is the old script available somewhere in the github repos, i would take that and proceed.


Please provide the documentation link that you are using. Also why are you managing the kerberos keytabs manually? I would let the wizard create it irrespective of if you do it on AD or MIT KDC. This is a much cleaner process.


I dont have an AD integration as of now. Also i have done kerberos setup in the older versions of sandbox, where manual was the only option, i used to download the csv file and generate the keytabs. I just followed a couple of urls from the web. the below one is what i referred, but i dont need the AD integration

I havent explored the MIT KDC option. does that option allow us to install a KDC on one of the hosts and does everything cleanly. I will give a try that. Also another question is as of now i have only few components of the HDP stack. Suppose i want to add few more components in the future and kerberize them . How can i do that? IS it possible with Ambari?


Thanks for your solution. It worked fine.