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Minifi and Log Size

Expert Contributor

Hi Team ,

We are currently in Operations space with Minifi installed on remote server and successfully transmitting data to the Nifi server overlooked by a C2 server. One question that bothers us is that if Nifi went down or Minifi isnt able to connect to Nifi due to some reason or the other , would the Minifi logs grow huge as it is unable to transmit the data ???

Any information / best practices on this will be greatly appreciated

@Matt Burgess

@Matt Clarke


Expert Contributor

Ok , we managed to get the answer to this. If Minifi for some reason isnt able to transmit data to the Nifi server , the minifi content repository starts getting filled up and this needs to be avoided. So , we need to add some space to the filesystem that points to the content repository as a best practice in production.

View solution in original post


Expert Contributor

Ok , we managed to get the answer to this. If Minifi for some reason isnt able to transmit data to the Nifi server , the minifi content repository starts getting filled up and this needs to be avoided. So , we need to add some space to the filesystem that points to the content repository as a best practice in production.