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Missing HDFS, Yarn metrics after enable kerberos HTTP authentication

Expert Contributor


I have a kerberos enabled cluster with:

Ambari 2.4.1

HDP stack 2.4.0

One way trust between Kerberos and AD

After I have enabled HTTP authentication as described at

I have lost information in ambari as shows the following images:




If I check the logs of ambari-server.log I find a lot of entries with this message:

01 Feb 2017 12:41:47,167  WARN [ambari-metrics-retrieval-service-thread-1] RequestTargetAuthentication:88 - NEGOTIATE authentication error: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Attempt to obtain new INITIATE credentials failed! (null)))
01 Feb 2017 12:41:47,169 ERROR [ambari-metrics-retrieval-service-thread-1] AppCookieManager:122 - SPNego authentication failed, can not get hadoop.auth cookie for URL:,name=FSNamesystem::tag.HAState
01 Feb 2017 12:41:47,168  WARN [ambari-metrics-retrieval-service-thread-0] RequestTargetAuthentication:88 - NEGOTIATE authentication error: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Attempt to obtain new INITIATE credentials failed! (null)))
01 Feb 2017 12:41:47,170 ERROR [ambari-metrics-retrieval-service-thread-0] AppCookieManager:122 - SPNego authentication failed, can not get hadoop.auth cookie for URL:

I have tried to regenerate the keytab but the problem persists.

I can access these url with my browser using both, kerberos ticket or AD windows ticket without any problem.

Any clue about what maybe happening?

Thank you in advance


Master Mentor

Did you configure Ambari for kerberos, then restart Ambari as well?

Also run service check on Ambari Metrics. I also recommend upgrading Ambari to 2.4.2 but resolve the immediate issue first.

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

Did you configure Ambari for kerberos, then restart Ambari as well?

Also run service check on Ambari Metrics. I also recommend upgrading Ambari to 2.4.2 but resolve the immediate issue first.

Expert Contributor

@Artem Ervits

I also have read that part.. it's supossed to be configured automatically when I used Ambari for kerberos setup...

And yes I've restarted ambari-server.

Now what I have find is that I can curl from servers using @HADOOP.INT Realm users (krb5) but cannot with @TEST.INT AD realm... but If I go to a windows machine with an user logged in TEST.INT I can access to this websites using any webbrowser.. even after remove the hadoop.auth cookie.

output of curl error:

[root@hadoop02 lib]# curl --negotiate -u admin:admin <a href=""></a>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 403 GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Checksum failed)</title>
<body><h2>HTTP ERROR 403</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /ws/v1/cluster/info. Reason:
<pre>    GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Checksum failed)</pre></p><hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i><br/> 


Ambari is suppose to use @HADOOP.INT realm user..


Ambari-metrics service check went fine.

Expert Contributor

I finally configured ambari for kerberos manually even when documentation says that ambari performs that setup automatically and finally worked ... I had to do this optional stept

Looks like it's not optional at all. thank you very much

Master Mentor

Excellent, I will review the language in documentation and issue a pull request to change. Sorry for confusion.