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Monitoring Nifi - flow file failures/ success

Rising Star

I am working on building a monitoring solution for my Nifi workflow (Real time data lake using Golden-gate/ Kafka). Currently I am storing all the Goldgen gate records/flowfiles received from kafka in to a hdfs directory and at the end of the workflow ,in case its ingested successfully in hbase the flowfile is deleted from the directory. So i know that the json format flowfiles left in the Hdfs directory are ones that have failed. Now the issue with finding the reason of the failure is that Nifi's bulletin board shows only the record for last 5/10 mins (not sure of the duration) . I've tried storing the bulletin board messages in hdfs using the REST API but the Json generated from there is very detailed and would require a lot of work before I can use it for monitoring purpose.

Has anyone else worked with such type of monitoring? I would also like to know the throughput of the workflow which would include the no of records failed or successfully ingested etc. I know i can get the last-5-min stat from the status history. But if any one else has worked on a similar monitoring task kindly let me know.


Expert Contributor

We usually use Nifi Content and Provenance repository to troubleshoot failed flow files. Both are set to 7 days of retention. Plus you can replay content to debug.

From zero API reporting perspective you can use row counts as attributes collecting total rows, success rows, failed rows etc. Depending on format of your source file this can be as simple as executing wc -l. Later converting these attributes to JSON and use MergeContent, Schema registry and query record to create an email report.

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Expert Contributor

We usually use Nifi Content and Provenance repository to troubleshoot failed flow files. Both are set to 7 days of retention. Plus you can replay content to debug.

From zero API reporting perspective you can use row counts as attributes collecting total rows, success rows, failed rows etc. Depending on format of your source file this can be as simple as executing wc -l. Later converting these attributes to JSON and use MergeContent, Schema registry and query record to create an email report.

Rising Star

Thanks, can you kindly let me know how can I change the retention period of these repositories? (from the nifi properties file I can see these two properties whose unit are the length of time.

nifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.time=30 days

nifi.content.repository.archive.max.retention.period=12 hours
