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Moving files from HDFS to s3

New Contributor


I am trying to move data from hadoop cluster to aws s3 bukcet using  

but even a file of size 4MB takes a lot a time and i am unable to understand the bottle neck here.

I am running the below command aws s3 cp <source_folder> s3://<path>/ --recursive


The file size is 4MB and the upload speed is 50-60 kib/sec. 

I talked to aws side as well according to them the issue maybe due to networking is the client end ie the cloundera hadoop cluster 

Can anyone help understand how can i move my data from hadoop hdfs to aws s3 efficiently ?


Master Collaborator

Hello @shadma-1 


We have one experience in CDP  to achieve this named as Replication Manager, with the help of it you can migrate your HDFS/HIVE/HBase data to S3 or Azure.


Please refer to the below official link for your reference, also if have any difficulties you can reach out to the support team as well.


1- Cloudera Replication Manager 

2- Introduction to Replication Manager 


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Master Collaborator

Hello @shadma-1 


Just wanted to check if you have any further queries related to the replication manager.


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