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NIFI::Decryption::encrypted message contains a signed message: not literal data



Using Nifi 1.6 EncryptContent processor to try and decrypt a file and the error "encrypted message contains a signed message - not literal data"

Processor settings attached

The file can be decrypted on the command line with the following:

gpg --batch --decrypt --passphrase "PASSWORD" --keyring /path/to/file/pubring.gpg --secret-keyring /path/to/file/secring.gpg foo.pgp


Super Collaborator

I have the same problem on Nifi 1.5 and would be very interested to get the solution to get Nifi's En(De)crypt processor to work with PGP.

In the meantime I turned to another solution by using the ExecuteStreamCommand processor and outsource the decryption to the CLI which is verified to work:


Just be aware that you have to import the pub and private keys into the /home/nifi/.gnupg folder of the nifi user since that is the one executing the stream command.

So you might have to run these commands (on every Nifi node!) first:

gpg --import < pub_keys_armor.pgp
gpg --import < priv_key_armor.pgp