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Namenode health check reported 1 datanode volume failure for /disk3/dfs/dn but filesystem status is healthy.

New Contributor

When checking the status of  namenode health- it's shows one data node volume failed, this data node having 12 disks, out of one is reported as failed by namenode health check.

From OS level this disk has been accessible and writeable. It does not have hardware alarms/faults as well.
xfs_repair has been run successfully.


Output of below command showing "File system status = HEALTHY"

hdfs fsck / | egrep -v ‘^\.+$’ | grep -v replica | grep -v Replica





Super Collaborator

Hi @KiranMagdum ,


The last failure noticed is on April 28th. So if you are not seeing any permission/access issue for the disk /disk3/dfs/dn on Datanode log of, can you try to restart this datanode role and check if the Namenode UI still prints the Volume as failed.