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NiFi - Capture error message in Bulletin


Is there a way to capture error messages that appear in Bulletin for more than 5 minutes ? After an error, I want to log detail error message from Bulletin in a permanent log, so I can look up error later. Currently Bulletin error messages provide most amount of detail on error (including detail logs) but they rollover every 5 minutes.

Is there another way of capturing detail error messages ?



Hi Ibrahima, unable to upload the template. can you please share the screenshots of nifi flow processors and variables if any created and the script is used.

Thanks !


Hi guys! Where I can change the bulletins time notification (from 5 minutes to 10 for example)?

Super Mentor

@Alex Coast

The 5 minute retention of Bulletins is a hard coded value that cannot be edited by the end user.
It is normal to see the occasional bulletin from some NiFi processors. For example a failed putSFTP because of filename conflict or network issues, but on retry it is successful. A continuous problem would result in non stop bulletins being produced which would be easily noticed.


Take a look at my response further up on using the "SiteToSiteBulletinReportingTask" if you are looking to retain bulletins info longer, manipulate, route, store that somewhere, etc..


Thank you,



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