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NiFi UI Response is Very slow

Super Collaborator

I just installed latest version of NiFi on a WINDOWS server (24 core 198 GB RAM).

when i tried to open up NiFi , it is spinning on the NiFi logo for a long time before loading UI ,

even after loading the UI , i tried to drag and drop a couple of processors . but they are all acting very very slow.. i literally had to wait 5 secs before the processor popup shows.

task manager shows nothing unusual and nothing else is running on the server.

any idea on what might be causing this.?



Rising Star

What browser are you using?

Is the browser you're using also on the Windows Server?

In your browser, are you able to open up the Developer Tools and look at the network traffic? It would help to narrow down where the 'slowless' is being introduced. It could be due to client side (browser) performance specifically if your flow has many components. It could be introduced simply by network latency. It could also be introduced server side while NiFi is handling the request and generating a response (particularly if clustered).

View solution in original post


Rising Star

What browser are you using?

Is the browser you're using also on the Windows Server?

In your browser, are you able to open up the Developer Tools and look at the network traffic? It would help to narrow down where the 'slowless' is being introduced. It could be due to client side (browser) performance specifically if your flow has many components. It could be introduced simply by network latency. It could also be introduced server side while NiFi is handling the request and generating a response (particularly if clustered).

Super Collaborator


using IE 11 that is installed on the server.

Rising Star

Technically, IE 11 is not a supported browser [1]. Would it be possible to try Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge?


Master Guru

you need a different browser

Master Guru

what else is running on windows?

In your (see the settings in the article)

see this for setup:

Also the articles give you the details for setting the JVM settings for as much of that 198 GB that you can spare.

Any reason you picked Windows?

99% of people run NiFi and other big data servers and services on Linux (including HDInsight)

After you change those settings, restart nifi.

Watch your logs.

Make sure you have the latests JDK 1.8 and plenty of disk space.

Master Guru

If you can use the latest Chrome and make sure there are no issues with Proxies, firewalls or anti-virus software.

Super Collaborator

going with WINDOWS server is as per our company policy and i have changed the bootstrap to use 8GB as per the above document and also running on JDK 1.8...dont know whats causing this.

Super Collaborator

its working fine in Chrome.