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NiFi processor to search and replace multiple words in a txt file

New Contributor

I have txt file which I am reading using FetchSFTP in NiFi. Also, I have key and values in json format, as shown below received after REST call and JoltTransformJSON:

    "Key": "k2s2e2",
    "Value": "Ottawa"
}, {
    "Key": "60601",
    "Value": "Chicago"
}, {
    "Key": "",
    "Value": "London"

How can I replace all the occurrences of matching key from above to its value in txt file.

Example: abc.txt

000 apple stocks at k2s2e2 888
9000 samsung stocks at 60601 9990377
88 nokia devivces at 78889 790888071 hgj 7


000 apple stocks at Ottawa 888
9000 samsung stocks at Chicago 9990377
88 nokia devivces at 78889 790888071 hgj 7