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Nifi Cluster Test Cases.


Hi All,

I have configured unsecured 3 node nifi cluster setup using below link.

Without any issues now all the instances are up.

Kindly share the some test cases to validate my NIFI cluster settings.


Master Mentor
@Anishkumar Valsalam

Not sure exactly what you are looking for.

- Verify you can access the NIFi UI from any one of your nodes URLs.

- Verify the UI shows 3/3 connected nodes.

- Verify you can add components to the canvas (processors and connections)

- Verify you can add controller services and reporting tasks.

- Go into "cluster" UI and manually disconnect the "cluster coordinator" and/or " primary node". Make sure that a new node(s) is assigned these roles.

- From "Cluster" UI make sure you can reconnect a disconnected node.

Since your NiFi cluster is running unsecured there isn't much more to validate from an administration standpoint.

- You don't have node to node mutual authentication to worry about

- You don't have user authentication or authorization to worry about.

Dataflows are built in a cluster the same way they are built in a standalone NiFi installation. Just keep in mind that every node in your cluster runs its own copy of the dataflow and works on its own set of FlowFiles.



View solution in original post



@Matt Clarke Hi Master

I am new to nifi Administration. Can you help on this.

Master Mentor
@Anishkumar Valsalam

Not sure exactly what you are looking for.

- Verify you can access the NIFi UI from any one of your nodes URLs.

- Verify the UI shows 3/3 connected nodes.

- Verify you can add components to the canvas (processors and connections)

- Verify you can add controller services and reporting tasks.

- Go into "cluster" UI and manually disconnect the "cluster coordinator" and/or " primary node". Make sure that a new node(s) is assigned these roles.

- From "Cluster" UI make sure you can reconnect a disconnected node.

Since your NiFi cluster is running unsecured there isn't much more to validate from an administration standpoint.

- You don't have node to node mutual authentication to worry about

- You don't have user authentication or authorization to worry about.

Dataflows are built in a cluster the same way they are built in a standalone NiFi installation. Just keep in mind that every node in your cluster runs its own copy of the dataflow and works on its own set of FlowFiles.




Thanks @Matt Clarke