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Nifi InvokeHTTP to get a token from an API


I have curl command as below.

curl -s -XPOST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'username=usco&password=asdl2342&client_id=dwer234324-2sd2-32dwq&scope=read' ''

I am trying to replicate this in Nifi. I am trying to figure out how and where the above options to be provided in InvokeHTTP processor. I have gone through the articles and some mentioned I have to define it in body of flow file. But I couldn't understand what exactly goes into body and what goes into extra attributes (if I need to add) in InvokeHTTP processsor.




Here is what I think you should use to make this work:

-X POST use processor HTTP method attribute and set to POST
-x http://proxyhost:portI think you should consider adding this configuration or add properties Proxy host=proxyhost, Proxy port=port and Proxy protocol=https
-H "Accept: application/json"Use the Attributes to send referencing a new attribute with the value (add 1 extra attributes with corresponding value)
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"Use Content type attribute
-d 'data sent'Send Message Body = true. And the content should come as inbound flowfile to the processor. To test try adding a GenerateFlowFile processor with the content without single quotes
https://hostname/security/v1/oauth/tokenSet in Remote url

Finally since endpoint is ssl enabled you need to set SSL Context Service.


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Here is what I think you should use to make this work:

-X POST use processor HTTP method attribute and set to POST
-x http://proxyhost:portI think you should consider adding this configuration or add properties Proxy host=proxyhost, Proxy port=port and Proxy protocol=https
-H "Accept: application/json"Use the Attributes to send referencing a new attribute with the value (add 1 extra attributes with corresponding value)
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"Use Content type attribute
-d 'data sent'Send Message Body = true. And the content should come as inbound flowfile to the processor. To test try adding a GenerateFlowFile processor with the content without single quotes
https://hostname/security/v1/oauth/tokenSet in Remote url

Finally since endpoint is ssl enabled you need to set SSL Context Service.


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Attached is the screenshot for the solution 

E2E  FlowE2E FlowGenerate Flow FileGenerate Flow FileInvokeHttp.InvokeHttp.


@Felix Albani

Thank you very much. that worked perfectly. I have one more question. What if I have one more header such as -H "Authorization: Bearer 27ffdfada34982-1123qwdq2" . How do I send it ?
Should I be adding one more property and set the name as 'Authorization and Value as Bearer 27ffdfada34982-1123qwdq2 ?


Can I specify more than one attribute in AttributestoSend in InvokeHTTP processor ? If yes, should they be seperated by comma or space or something else ?


@RC Based on the documentation is a regular expression:

Regular expression that defines which attributes to send as HTTP headers in the request.

perhaps you can name your list of attributes:


then use a regex like this httpheader[1-N]



I have added Accept and Authorization in UpdateAttribute processor before InovkeHTTP processor and in the Attributes to Send property (in InovkeHTTP) - I have used .*

New Contributor

Hi @karteek_chunchu 
I am also working on Authorization: Bearer, Could you please me know how you added this token in invoke HTTP processor.


if you have a sample template, what are the configurations needed for this, can you please let me know.


Community Manager

@Venkatgundla Hi, as this is an older post, you would have a better chance of receiving a resolution by starting a new thread. This will also be an opportunity to provide details specific to your environment that could aid others in assisting you with a more accurate answer to your question. You can link this thread as a reference in your new post. Thanks!


Diana Torres,
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New Contributor

Hello @Venkatgundla,

Did you ever get a response to your question?? 



Super Guru

If you are looking to authenticate using Oath2.0 then you need to create new property in the InvokeHttp processor and call the property "Authorization" and the value should be set as:

"Bearer [Authorization Token]". First you need to get the authentication token. hope that helps.