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Nifi in transferring file from my local machine to vm hdfs

New Contributor


I am using Nifi in transferring file from my local machine to vm hdfs. My nifi is installed only on my local machine.

I made a flowfile from:

• getFile - good

• PutHDFS - error

So there is an error in PutHDFS

java nio channel unresolved exception

Is this because my nifi is installed only on my local and cant find the path of my Directory in HDFS?

Thank you!



NiFi don't need to be on the same machine than HDFS. But the PutHDFS processor need informations to connect to HDFS : hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml.

And for sure, network have to be configured.

Super Guru



From your hdfs cluster you need hdfs-site.xml and correct configuration for PutHDFS.    You may also need to satisfy creating a user with permissions on the hdfs location.

Please share PutHDFS processor configuration, and error information to allow community members to respond with specific feedback required to solve your issue.


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