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Nifi-registry multiple instances


We have 2 instances of nifi-registry with git as flowProvider, when we make some changes and commit from nifi instances, sometimes appears everything is ok, sometimes appears "there is a new version of the flow". I think one of the nifi-registry instances it's not synced.

¿How can we force the sync between multiple nifi-registry instances?


Master Mentor


NiFi-Registry only pushes to the GitFlowPersistenceProvider while running.  NIFi-Registry will only read from Git on startup.  The GitFlowPersistence Provider also only contains the flow definitions for the version controlled process groups.  Each NiFi-Registry has a metadata database maintains the knowledge of which buckets exist, which versioned items belong to which buckets, as well as the version history for each item.  So if you are trying to share a single Git Repo across multiple running NiFi-Registry instances this will explain why you are seeing missing versions at times across your multiple instances.

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Master Collaborator

NiFi Registry is a single-point service, Not meant to sync flow versioning with multiple NiFi Registry. 

Not sure how this is set up at your end you can provide an overview of your Architecture between NiFi and NiFi Registry and Git so I can understand further. 

Thank you 



We deploy registry as statefulset with multiple instances and every pod have his own filesystem and git as flowprovider.

Master Mentor


NiFi-Registry only pushes to the GitFlowPersistenceProvider while running.  NIFi-Registry will only read from Git on startup.  The GitFlowPersistence Provider also only contains the flow definitions for the version controlled process groups.  Each NiFi-Registry has a metadata database maintains the knowledge of which buckets exist, which versioned items belong to which buckets, as well as the version history for each item.  So if you are trying to share a single Git Repo across multiple running NiFi-Registry instances this will explain why you are seeing missing versions at times across your multiple instances.

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