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05:01 AM
1 Kudo
We deploy registry as statefulset with multiple instances and every pod have his own filesystem and git as flowprovider.
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01:45 AM
We have 2 instances of nifi-registry with git as flowProvider, when we make some changes and commit from nifi instances, sometimes appears everything is ok, sometimes appears "there is a new version of the flow". I think one of the nifi-registry instances it's not synced. ¿How can we force the sync between multiple nifi-registry instances?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
NiFi Registry
04:52 AM
Hello, Nifi registry: apache/nifi-registry;0.8.0 Steps: We deploy nifi and nifi-registry in kubernetes cluster. We set up nifi-registry with postgresql as flowprovider. We create a PG with con flows from nifi and start version with nifi-registry. We delete all deployments and pvc (nifi and nifi-registry) from kubernetes but we keep postgresql database. We deploy again nifi and nifi-registry We see in nifi-registry the PG that we versioned We try to import in nifi the PG from nifi-registry and we get the message " The Flow Registry with ID ? reports that no Flow exists with Bucket ?, Flow ?" Thanks for the support.
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09:10 AM
We save some flows into a registry with postgresql and now we want to transfer to a fresh nifi instance but we are getting this error: The Flow Registry with ID ? reports that no Flow exists with Bucket ?, Flow Any suggestion what is it happening?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
NiFi Registry