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Not able to access ambari web ui


I have installed ambari server on google cloud platform, but When I open its web url to access it shows connenction timed out .

I have added hotsname and its ip in /etc/hosts file as well sysconfig/network file .

I have also set off iptables and enabled ntpd service . Selinux disabled .

can some one please help me out ?

Thanks in advance


@Anurag Mishra

Are the ports listed here open in your network settings? May be you can check the ambari-server.log for any clue and do a telnet <ambari-server> 8080 from the machine you are trying to access to see if you are able to reach host and port.

View solution in original post


@Anurag Mishra

Are the ports listed here open in your network settings? May be you can check the ambari-server.log for any clue and do a telnet <ambari-server> 8080 from the machine you are trying to access to see if you are able to reach host and port.


@Sandeep Nemuri

HI Sandeep ,

telnet: connect to address IPADDRESS  Connection timed out


probably I am not able to each host since when I start ambari server it shows listening on port 8080, I doubt about host since i have created machine on Google cloud and using external ip for the host .

It may be some firewall problem or something network related issues I am not sure .


I am now able to access ambari web ui, issue was because of firewall rule i did not set in google cloud platform .

It got resolve after creating firewall rule for the server.
