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Not able to run HDFS command


Logged in as root (SSH)

I am using this: hdfs dfs -mkdir test

mkdir: `test': No such file or directory ( getting this error)


@laki cheli

Please try to create the home directory for that particular user and run the command 'hdfs dfs -mkdir test'.

In your case I can see you logged in as root account, please login as hdfs account and create root account HDFS home directory and then run your command as root user.

Step 1: Login as hdfs account

Step 2: hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/root/

Step 3: hdfs dfs chown root /user/root/

Step 4: Login back as root account again

Step 5: Run your command 'hdfs dfs -mkdir test'

Step 6: Now you can see test directory under root account using 'hdfs dfs -ls ' or hdfs dfs -ls /user/root/'

Hope this helps you.

View solution in original post


@laki cheli

Please try to create the home directory for that particular user and run the command 'hdfs dfs -mkdir test'.

In your case I can see you logged in as root account, please login as hdfs account and create root account HDFS home directory and then run your command as root user.

Step 1: Login as hdfs account

Step 2: hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/root/

Step 3: hdfs dfs chown root /user/root/

Step 4: Login back as root account again

Step 5: Run your command 'hdfs dfs -mkdir test'

Step 6: Now you can see test directory under root account using 'hdfs dfs -ls ' or hdfs dfs -ls /user/root/'

Hope this helps you.


@laki cheli

after logging as root you su to hdfs (su hdfs) and run the rest of the commands to create the directories.


great, worked like charm