Created 02-11-2016 11:30 AM
Hi folks,
I am trying to run the spark PI example on the Hortonworks cluster. I could run this successfully in the local mode and in the yarn client mode . When I try to run it using YARN cluster mode I do not see any out put or error. I am not sure if it is running or is there a bug. Can you please help me understand this behavior?
Here are the commands I am trying to use.
spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster ../lib/spark-examples*.jar 10
Also tried with
spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --master yarn-cluster ../lib/spark-examples*.jar 10
(One more question are above both correct ?)
Both the times I see the following console log but not the PI value. ( When I run in local mode or yarn-client mode I see the value of PI printed on the console)
16/02/11 11:06:05 WARN Client: will not take effect in cluster mode 16/02/11 11:06:05 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: username 16/02/11 11:06:05 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls to: username 16/02/11 11:06:05 INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(username); users with modify permissions: Set(username) 16/02/11 11:06:06 INFO Client: Submitting application 432 to ResourceManager 16/02/11 11:06:06 INFO YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1454617624671_0432 16/02/11 11:06:07 INFO Client: Application report for application_1454617624671_0432 (state: ACCEPTED) 16/02/11 11:06:07 INFO Client: client token: N/A diagnostics: N/A ApplicationMaster host: N/A ApplicationMaster RPC port: -1 queue: default start time: 1455188766121 final status: UNDEFINED tracking URL: http://SomeIP:8088/proxy/application_1454617624671_0432/ user: username .............. 16/02/11 11:06:23 INFO Client: Application report for application_1454617624671_0432 (state: FINISHED) 16/02/11 11:06:23 INFO Client: client token: N/A diagnostics: N/A ApplicationMaster host: APP_Master_host_IP ApplicationMaster RPC port: 0 queue: default start time: 1455188766121 final status: SUCCEEDED tracking URL: http://SomeIP:8088/proxy/application_1454617624671_0432/ user: username 16/02/11 11:06:23 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Shutdown hook called 16/02/11 11:06:23 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Deleting directory /tmp/spark-54dc94ab-cf66-4d17-9940-1c31ba7e9850 [username@remoteIP bin]$
Created 02-11-2016 11:40 AM
@Darpan Patel go to the job history, drill down to the logs of the task attempt and you should see the result.
Created 02-11-2016 11:34 AM
The output will be in log file 😉
Created 02-11-2016 11:38 AM
Job output should list the estimated value of pi. In the following example, output was directed to stdout:
Log Type: stdout Log Upload Time: 10-Jun-2015 17:13:33 Log Length: 23
Pi is roughly 3.142532
Created 02-11-2016 12:03 PM
Thanks @Neeraj Sabharwal
Created 02-11-2016 11:40 AM
@Darpan Patel go to the job history, drill down to the logs of the task attempt and you should see the result.
Created 02-11-2016 12:03 PM
Thanks @Artem Ervits