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Not getting Hive databases details inside swing UI


I am creating a java swing ui which will connect to Hive databases and tables and provide me the details on UI itself.


I am able to generate the UI but details of all Hive databases and tables are not comming except the "default" database. But inside "default" database also I am not able to get the tables present inside it.


Here is the code to retrieve the Hive database 


    HiveConf hconf = new HiveConf(); 

    HiveMetaStoreClient msClient = new HiveMetaStoreClient(hconf); 

    List<String> dbs = msClient.getAllDatabases(); 

    System.out.println(All Databases: "+ dbs); //All Databases: [default]

    List<String> tbls = msClient.getAllTables(dbName); 

    System.out.println(All Tables: "+ tbls); // All Tables: [] 



System details

Hadoop distribution: Cloudera Quickstart VM on Windows 

version: CDH5.4.2


My hive-site.xml looks like this





    <description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>





        <description>Driver class name for a JDBC metastore</description>













        <description>This is the WAR file with the jsp content for Hive Web Interface</description>





        <description>IP address (or fully-qualified domain name) and port of the metastore host</description>




My thought 

In the process to solve this issue, I sysout hive conf properties 


    System.out.println("All Hive conf property: "+ hconf.getAllProperties().toString()); 


I found some properties where it uses derby database, I don't know from where it is using derby database



here are some output of hive conf properties when I sysout it 







From the output it looks it is connecting to derby database, but I am not getting why it is connecting to derby database, since in my **hive-site.xml** It is mentioned mysql database. 


Please help me out in this.



Resolved the issue. Need to add hive conf as external class folder in your build path.


Right click on you project in eclipse -- Build Path -- Configure Build Path -- Java Build Path -- Libraries --  Add External Class Folder -- select the conf folder (/usr/lib/hive/conf) -- OK -- OK


All done. Now I am able to get my hive databases and tables.

View solution in original post



Resolved the issue. Need to add hive conf as external class folder in your build path.


Right click on you project in eclipse -- Build Path -- Configure Build Path -- Java Build Path -- Libraries --  Add External Class Folder -- select the conf folder (/usr/lib/hive/conf) -- OK -- OK


All done. Now I am able to get my hive databases and tables.