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Overriding the hive-site configuration parameter in hue

New Contributor

When creating a container using hue, I mount volume with the hive configuration. The configuration is taken from the cluster host. In the hive-site.xml has the hive.server 2.authentication parameter, which has the ldap value. With this value, hue does not connect to hive. If I replace it with a KERBEROS value, then the value will change on the host (the host is part of a hadoop cluster). If you copy the hive configurations to the container, they will not be updated when updating in the cluster. When trying to define a variable for the container HIVE_OPTS='--hiveconf hive.server2.authentication=KERBEROS' nothing happens. Is it possible to somehow redefine the variable without changing the original configurations


Community Manager

@Eanhain Welcome to the Cloudera Community!

To help you get the best possible solution, I have tagged our Hue experts @dturnau @Shawn_Wang  who may be able to assist you further.

Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.


Diana Torres,
Community Moderator

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