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Permanent HBASE_CONF_PATH setup for Phoenix to run in a secure Hadoop cluster



To configure Phoenix to run in a secure Hadoop cluster, every time I need to set HBASE_CONF_PATH=/etc/hbase/conf:/etc/hadoop/conf

Is there anyway we can set that path in cluster level instead of running every time export HBASE_CONF_PATH=/etc/hbase/conf:/etc/hadoop/conf before making jdbc connection using PQS?

FYI... I have tried setting up in but it doesn't work.

Any help is highly appreciated and thanks in advance.


Super Guru

You can set it globally for the shell in something like /etc/profile (or even better, a file in /etc/profile.d/), but..

Why are you setting HBASE_CONF_PATH to be two values? It should just be the value "/etc/hbase/conf" which the script will default to when you do not have HBASE_CONF_DIR or HBASE_CONF_PATH defined already in the environment. /etc/hbase/conf should also already have a copy of core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml managed by Ambari.

View solution in original post


Master Guru


Per documentation:

Alternately, you can use the pre-2.2 method:

  1. Link the HBase configuration file with the Phoenix libraries:

    ln -sf <HBASE_CONFIG_DIR>/hbase-site.xml /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/bin/hbase-site.xml

  2. Link the Hadoop configuration file with the Phoenix libraries:

    ln -sf <HADOOP_CONFIG_DIR>/core-site.xml /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/bin/core-site.xml

    ln -sf >HADOOP_CONFIG_DIR>/hdfs-site.xml /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/bin/hdfs-site.xml


@Sunile Manjee

Thanks for the information, I have seen that but we are using the HDP 2.3, So I would like to know is there any better way instead of symoblic links

Super Guru

You can set it globally for the shell in something like /etc/profile (or even better, a file in /etc/profile.d/), but..

Why are you setting HBASE_CONF_PATH to be two values? It should just be the value "/etc/hbase/conf" which the script will default to when you do not have HBASE_CONF_DIR or HBASE_CONF_PATH defined already in the environment. /etc/hbase/conf should also already have a copy of core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml managed by Ambari.


@Josh Elser

Thanks for the quick response. Yeah, that true we need to give export HBASE_CONF_PATH=HBASE_CONFIG_DIR where HBASE_CONF_PATH=/etc/hbase/conf but I have seen in the link it was using both.

I'm familiar setting in /etc/profile but I don't want to make any OS level config changes. Is there anyway we can set it from Ambari?

Super Guru

That documentation does not look correct to me, but maybe I am missing something 🙂

No, there is no way to change your shell profiles via Ambari.