Created 01-20-2016 08:08 PM
Environment : HDP 2.3.4, 3 Nodes, 32GB ram, redhat
I am running a sqoop job via Hue-oozie. The job is to import data from Mysql into Hive.
As I understand it, Sqoop first imports the data from MYSQL using JDBC and writes that into HDFS.
Then Sqoop calls Hive to create a table and move the same data into Hive warehouse to create a hive internal table.
So far, the part where Sqoop imports data from MYSQL completes successfully, BUT the task to create Hive table keeps on failing.
Below is the snippet for the error.
26225 [Thread-28] INFO org.apache.sqoop.hive.HiveImport - Permission denied: user=urep, access=EXECUTE, inode="/tmp/hive/yarn/_tez_session_dir/3007739a-c7fe-4730-a360-ba304646bc3b/hive-hcatalog-core.jar":yarn:hdfs:drwx------ 2016-01-20 09:48:21,069 INFO [Thread-28] hive.HiveImport ( - Permission denied: user=urep, access=EXECUTE, inode="/tmp/hive/yarn/_tez_session_dir/3007739a-c7fe-4730-a360-ba304646bc3b/hive-hcatalog-core.jar":yarn:hdfs:drwx------
What I HAVE TRIED so far:
I have given 777 permission to /tmp/hive/yarn/_tez_session_dir but did not help.
I added the hadoop user environment variable either but that didnt work.
Please help
Created 06-07-2016 09:44 PM
I resolved this issue by copying the hive-hcatalog-core.jar file directly under lib folder of the workflow
Created 01-06-2017 07:57 AM
Hi Amit, Can you please let us know the location that you have added this hive-hcatalog-core.jar file, we are facing similar issue now.
PS: We are trying to run hive query in Shell Script in Oozie hue.